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Dress Code

Students who attend ASMS are required to follow the STPSB Dress Code policies. We follow all rules and regulations set forth in the STPSB district handbook. Dress and Personal Grooming Providing an effective learning environment for all students includes expectations that students are well-kept, dressed and groomed in a manner that permits them to actively participate in school and that does not distract the education process. Student dress and grooming are not to adversely affect the student's participation in classes, school programs, or other school-related activities. Extremes in style and fit in student dress and extremes in style of grooming will not be permitted. Please note that hair must be clean. Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, or hair in curlers, rollers, or excessively teased, etc., will not be permitted. Hoods may be worn outside on inclement days, but are not allowed to be worn inside of the school building. Make-up is not allowed. The following link includes information about the St. Tammany Parish School Board policies:

  • Solid Navy blue or white polo-type shirt (long or short sleeves)
  • ASMS Navy T-shirt can be worn each day
  • ASMS Tie-Dye Spirit Shirt can be worn ONLY on Friday
  • Khaki bottoms only (this includes jumpers)
  • Girls may wear shorts, skorts, pants, jumpers, or cropped pants.
    • Girls may wear footed tights (no leggings) under their skirts
    • Leggings must be navy, white, or natural.
    • Skirts or shorts must be fingertip length or longer.
  • Boys may wear shorts or long pants.
    • All pants must have a zipper and a button with a finished hem.
    • No pull-on or athletic pants allowed.
  • Socks are required for all students each day.
  • We strongly suggest that students wear athletic-type shoes for their safety.
  • Any color outerwear (coats, sweaters, and jackets) will be permitted outside, but needs to allow school uniform apparel to be visible at all times.
  • ASMS sweatshirts or hoodies or a solid navy or white sweatshirt/sweater with no logo are allowed inside.

Please label all outerwear, lunch boxes, and book bags. 

Lost and Found is located outside the cafeteria.